San Jose Patent Attorney

San Jose Patent Lawyers

We enable visionaries across San Jose with top-quality patents to dominate the competition in the market! When you have an idea that you want to protect, a San Jose CA patent lawyer can help you.

We are proud to support the innovators in San Jose as they begin or further their entrepreneurial careers. San Jose’s patent law firm also serves the surrounding area’s IP needs. This includes San Clara, Milpitas, Mountain View, Campbell, Coyote, Fremont, and more. At Bold Patents,
we offer guidance in areas of intellectual property law such as:


San Jose Community!

Identify, Protect, and Enforce Your Patent Rights!

Here in the cultural and political center of Silicon Valley, innovation is on the rise!

From big companies such as eBay and Cisco to small startups such as Eargo and Securly, there’s no doubt that many entrepreneurs refer to San Jose, CA as “home.” Here at San Jose Bold Patents IP patent firm, we are simply proud to refer to this city as “home” as well.

Regardless as to what your level of expertise may be, there’s no doubt that the patent process can be very confusing to navigate sometimes. That’s why here at Bold Patents IP, as we help our clients understand how patents work, we also take the time to get to know more about their business in general. This way, they would have a greater chance of competing in today’s market.

Our team understands the importance of getting to know your unique goals for a business, bringing you unparalleled legal support to give you bold solutions to propel your business. So what are you waiting for? Are you ready to get started with a local San Jose Bold Patents patent attorney?

Patent Services We Provide at Bold Patents

Our skilled legal team can provide you with the information and resources you need to succeed. Some of the legal services we offer for your patent journey include:

Search and Opinions

An analysis of a potentially patentable invention and a patent search are some of the necessary first steps in the patent process. Not all inventions can be patented. Our attorneys can complete a search of the existing patents to determine if your invention would infringe on any of them.

We also use our resources, such as professionals in the industry, to determine the viability of the invention, making sure that it is a non-obvious creation that is new and novel. Our team has the technical knowledge needed to analyze your invention to ensure that it meets the basic requirements of a patentable article. If your business goals would be better suited with another form of intellectual property protection, we can provide you with the pros and cons of each option.

Application Drafting and Examination

Bold Patents can help you draft and file an application for your patentable ideas. There is significant information that must be included in these applications, and our attorneys can help you create a comprehensive and effective application. Our team can then follow the application through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) examination process, addressing any issues or alterations to the application as efficiently as possible.

When your application is drafted with the help of our patent attorneys, it is more likely to provide comprehensive and robust rights protection.


After securing a patent, you have control over its use and sale. It’s important to begin working to license and create value from that invention, and the attorneys at Bold Patents can help. You may want to sell your patent, license the invention, or work out another transaction or agreement. We can help you draft and review agreements within your industry.


When you have secured a patent on an invention, you have the right to prevent other parties from selling, importing, using, and creating your invention. However, you are responsible for upholding those rights and initiating legal action against any individual or entity that infringes on them. If another party is infringing on your patent rights, Bold Patents can protect your intellectual property.

If another party is accusing you of infringing on their patent rights, our team can defend your interests. Whether the alleged infringement occurred with your own patent or in your day-to-day business practices, we can advocate for you. We can provide assessments related to Freedom to Operate and Evidence of Use as well as full infringement reviews.


Basic Information About Patents

For an invention to be patentable, it must meet these minimum requirements, according to the USPTO:

  1. The article can be used, and it doesn’t only exist in theory.
  2. There is a description of how to make and use the article.
  3. The article is new and novel, and it hasn’t been made before.
  4. It is not an obvious invention or alteration to a previous invention based on the knowledge of someone familiar with the field.

There are three types of patents, which protect different aspects or types of invention. These are utility patents, design patents, and plant patents. Utility patents protect the function and use of a machine, process, article, or composition of matter. Design patents protect the shape, appearance, or ornamental surface application of a product. Plant patents protect a newly cultivated plant variety.

These patents can protect your invention for as long as 15 or 20 years. Usually, the protections of a patent end when it expires. There are some exceptions, however, where a patent can be extended or the specific protections can be changed.

Filing as an Inventor

The only people allowed to patent an invention are typically the inventor or their legal representative. Multiple parties can file as co-inventors if they create the item together. The inventor can also assign another party the invention, which gives that party the power to file for a patent. The exceptions to these rules are when the inventor:

  1. Is dead
  2. Is legally incapacitated
  3. Refuses to file for a patent
  4. Can’t be found

Only then can a non-inventor who is not assigned the invention file for the patent. An investor for the invention is not automatically allowed to file for a patent unless they were assigned the invention.

Patent Restrictions

The USPTO lists certain restrictions for what can be patented. You cannot patent:

  1. Laws of nature
  2. Physical and existing natural phenomena
  3. Abstract ideas
  4. Suggestions
  5. Nuclear materials
  6. Atomic weapon energy

How Much Does a Patent Lawyer Cost in the U.S.?

The fees of a patent lawyer will rely on several factors. These include the specific attorney you work with and the unique patent case you are requesting services for. Other factors that can affect attorney fees include:

  • The attorney’s level of knowledge, skill, experience, and success in patent cases
  • The type of case, such as whether it is a review and filing case or ongoing USPTO proceedings representation
  • Whether it is charged as a flat fee or hourly rate
  • The location of the attorney and their firm
  • The firm’s unique policies
  • How complex the case is
  • Whether extra resources will be needed
  • If the case is likely to result in litigation

It can be difficult to consider the cost of an attorney on top of the significant USPTO filing fees and other expenses. However, an attorney can end up saving you money. Their legal protection can ensure that you get the most protection out of your patent.

Their review of the application and documentation can also keep you from making costly mistakes, which you get surcharged for. Working with an attorney can also likely expedite your application process, enabling you to profit more quickly from your patent.

World Class Patent Attorneys Serving San Jose, CA

Home of companies such as eBay, Cisco, and PayPal, San Jose, CA is definitely the place to get your invention patented here in Silicon Valley.

Whether you’re a new business trying to figure out how patents work or an old(er) one trying to get ahead of the game, here at San Jose Bold Patents patent firm, we take the time to get to know our clients as we help them figure out whether or not their invention can be patented(and if so, how). No matter your background, we would be more than happy to help out in any way we can.

So please, if you’re a local San Jose business looking for a local San Jose patent attorney, look no further than to a San Jose Bold Patents patent attorney for help! Reach out to Bold Patents today to see how we can help you protect your invention.


Bold Patents J.D. Houvener, Esq., MBA, P.E.

Principal Patent Attorney, Bold Patents

Who is Bold Patents Law Firm?

Our clients are investors, entrepreneurs, and scientists that are pushing the limits, doing what hasn’t been done before, and taking risks in the spirit of progress and positive change.

We now serve clients nationwide to enable visionaries with top-quality patents, to dominate the competition in the market!

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