San Antonio Patent Attorney

San Antonio, TX Patent Lawyers

Patent Your Invention & Give Yourself Control. Whether you are looking for a patent as an individual or as a small business owner,
Bold Patents can help.

We work with families and individuals all over Texas and San Antonio, including in New Braunfels, Schertz, Timberwood Park, Canyon Lake, Live Oak, Cibolo, and Uvalde. We work to aid our communities with their intellectual property needs. The attorneys at Bold Patents can assist you with several aspects of managing patents and other intellectual property protections, including:


We’ve helped San Antonio TX Inventors Patent Their Ideas.

You can patent your invention to give yourself control over the production and distribution of your creation. A San Antonio TX patent lawyer can provide comprehensive legal care during this process, helping you file, maintain, and defend your patent.

Just getting started? Already filed, but stuck in the middle? Have a patent already, but need help with infringement or licensing? No matter where you are in the process, we can help. Set up a discovery call with one of our advisors today!

Protect Your Invention and Patent Rights in San Antonio

As your business grows, a creative and innovative edge is crucial to continued success. Patenting your new creations and ideas is an effective way to secure that competitive benefit and boost your career or your small business. At Bold Patents, our attorneys can help you on your patent journey. We have years of experience in intellectual property law and patents. These requirements can be complex, but we can ease this process.

Our team takes the time to understand your unique circumstances and goals. Whether you are a business owner or a beginner entrepreneur, we listen to your goals for your invention. We can then recommend options for protecting that invention, supporting your short-term and long-term goals. When you make bold creations, you need bold solutions. Our patent attorneys can help you.

What Can Be Patented?

A patent through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) gives you the ability to prevent other individuals or groups from using, making, offering for sale, selling, or importing to the U.S. the invention you created. These are the only rights provided with a patent, and you are responsible for enforcing those rights if another party infringes on your patent. Patents can protect a new machine, a new process, a new manufactured design, or a new plant. No matter the type of invention, it must meet at least these qualifications to be eligible for a patent:

  1. It can be used, and it is not just a theory.
  2. There is a description of how the invention is made and used.
  3. It is a new and novel idea, not something that already exists or has been created.
  4. It is not obvious, meaning that it is not an obvious invention or alteration of an existing invention to anyone with knowledge in the field.

There may be additional requirements, depending on the specific type of patent you are applying for. A skilled patent attorney can review your invention and see if it qualifies.

A patent is only one method of protection for intellectual property. Trademarks, trade secrets, and copyrights are other forms of intellectual property protection. Each has unique protections and may last for different periods of time. Your attorney can review the pros and cons of each type of intellectual property protection so that you can make an informed choice about how to protect your creation.


How Do You Patent an Idea in San Antonio?

You can patent an idea in San Antonio through the USPTO. The exact process may vary, although common steps include:

  1. Determine if your invention is eligible. Ensure that your invention meets the basic definition of a patentable invention and is not listed as something that is unpatentable. You should then conduct a patent search of existing patents. This determines if your patent would infringe on any current patents due to being the same invention or one of a similar nature. You also want to ensure that someone else has not publicly disclosed the same invention.
  2. Document your invention thoroughly. An application requires information like specifications and other documentation of your invention. This will include the use and function of the invention as well as its unique aspects. You can document this through writing, drawing, prototype creation, rendering, photographs, or other methods.
  3. Determine the type of patent you need. There are three available patents offered by the USPTO. These are utility, design, and plant patents. Your invention is generally eligible for one type of patent. In rare cases, it may qualify for more than one, and it’s important to determine the right option for you.
  4. Draft a patent application. Create and review an application for the patent. It should include specifications, drawings, a data sheet, and other required forms.
  5. File the application, and pay the fees. Your information and application is then filed with the USPTO and must include the relevant fees. Filing fees for patent applications depend on the type of patent and whether you qualify for small or micro entity status.
  6. Follow the application process. You can track the status of your application and respond promptly to any requests for additional information or corrections.

Your patent attorney provides personal and legal support during this time. It can be stressful to ensure that you have concluded everything that is required on your application, but an attorney can ease this stress. By creating an application with the aid of an attorney, it is more likely to be accurate and avoid delays in the USPTO examination process.

What Is Not Patentable?

You are not able to patent everything. There are limitations on what is patentable, such as abstract ideas or suggestions. Laws of nature as well as natural and physical phenomena, are unpatentable. You also cannot patent atomic energy that is in an atomic weapon or nuclear materials. While these restrictions exist, there are still many things that can be patented, from the shape of a commercial good to business methods. Your attorney can review the eligibility of an invention.

Skilled San Antonio Patent Attorneys

Bold Patents is proud to support the innovative community in San Antonio. We can answer your questions and concerns, walk you through your options for intellectual property protection, and represent you to defend your rights. There is a lot that goes into entrepreneurship or maintaining your small business, but Bold Patents can manage some of the complications of the process. Contact our firm today to learn how we can help you protect your invention.


Bold Patents J.D. Houvener, Esq., MBA, P.E.

Principal Patent Attorney, Bold Patents

Who is Bold Patents Law Firm?

Our clients are investors, entrepreneurs, and scientists that are pushing the limits, doing what hasn’t been done before, and taking risks in the spirit of progress and positive change.

We now serve clients nationwide to enable visionaries with top-quality patents, to dominate the competition in the market!

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