Watertown Patent Attorney

Watertown, SD Patent Lawyers

We enable visionaries across Watertown SD with top-quality patents,
to dominate the competition in the market!

Watertown’s patent law firm also serves the surrounding area’s IP
needs. This includes clear Lake, Henry, Waubay, Milbank, Arlington,
Castlewood, and more.


Watertown Community!

Identify, Protect, and Enforce
Your Patent Rights!

Home of one of South Dakota’s trusted startup support companies, Watertown Development Company (WDC), as well as ExxonMobil’s CEO and President, Lee Raymond, Watertown, SD is a city where innovation thrives and creativity is on the rise! As such, we, the people of Watertown Bold Patents patent attorney are proud to call this place our home.

We understand that the patent process can be very difficult to navigate. That is why as we help our clients understand what can and cannot be patented, we also take the time to get to know each and every single one of them.

So please, don’t delay, call a Watertown Bold Patents patent attorney today if you need help.


World Class Patent Attorneys
Serving Watertown, SD

Here in Watertown, SD, innovation is hot!

Not only is it home of ExxonMobil’s CEO and President, Lee Raymond, it is also home of South Dakota’s trusted startup support companies, Watertown Development Company (WDC). Indeed, we the people of Watertown Bold Patents IP patent firm are honored to call this place our home. As such, as we help our clients understand how the patent process works, we also take the time to get to know a little more about their business and (to an extent) how we can help them become better.

So please, if you’re a Watertown business in need of a patent attorney, let us be the ones to help you out! We would be more than honored to do so.


Bold Patents J.D. Houvener, Esq., MBA, P.E.

Principal Patent Attorney, Bold Patents

Who is Bold Patents Law Firm?

Our clients are investors, entrepreneurs, and scientists that are pushing the limits, doing what hasn’t been done before, and taking risks in the spirit of progress and positive change.

We now serve clients nationwide to enable visionaries with top-quality patents, to dominate the competition in the market!

What Others Have Said About Bold
Patents’ Law Firm!

Bold Patents - Martino Testimonial

Brian Hanson Testimonial

Client Testimonial | Bob Kahra