Boise Patent Attorney

Boise, ID Patent Lawyers

We enable visionaries across Boise ID with top-quality patents,
to dominate the competition in the market!

Boise’s patent law firm also serves the surrounding area’s IP needs. This includes
Garden City, Boise Hill Village, Nampa, and more.


Boise Community!

Identify, Protect, and Enforce Your Patent Rights!

Otherwise known as the capital of Idaho, Boise, ID is a city of innovation that heavily invests in technological companies such as Microsoft and and Micro Tech. As such, many entrepreneurs come to the city to make their inventions into a reality. Little do they realize however that the process of filing for a patent can be pretty tricky to navigate sometimes.

That is why here at Bold Patents Boise patent attorney, we are here to make sure that you understand how the process of filing for a patent works. This way, you can spend more time getting your product out in the market without having to worry about anyone taking credit for something that you spend hours and dollars on.

So what are you waiting for?


World Class Patent
Attorneys Serving Boise, ID

Home of technological companies such as Microsoft and and Micro Tech, Boise, ID, is a city of innovation that inspires entrepreneurs of all types to put forth the effort into making their inventions into a reality. Because it is also the capital of Idaho, Boise is an especially great place to work and interact with different types of intelligent people. If only the patent process was easier to navigate though…

Regardless as to whether you’re a young startup or a professional business, here at Bold Patents, our patent attorneys are here to make sure that you understand how the process of filing for a patent works. This way, you can spend more time getting your product out in the market without having to worry about anyone taking credit for your invention.

So what are you waiting for? Are you ready to turn your business dream(s) into a reality?


Bold Patents J.D. Houvener, Esq., MBA, P.E.

Principal Patent Attorney, Bold Patents

Who is Bold Patents Law Firm?

Our clients are investors, entrepreneurs, and scientists that are pushing the limits, doing what hasn’t been done before, and taking risks in the spirit of progress and positive change.

We now serve clients nationwide to enable visionaries with top-quality patents, to dominate the competition in the market!

Virtual Satellite Location

Boise Patent Attorneys
Bold Patents Law Firm
950 W Bannock St #1100
Boise, ID 83702

Please Note: All Office Locations and In-Person Meetings are by appointment only.

What Others Have Said About Bold
Patents’ Law Firm!

Bold Patents - Martino Testimonial

Brian Hanson Testimonial

Client Testimonial | Bob Kahra