Hi, I’m J.D. Houvener, and welcome to The Bold Today’s Show, where you, the inventor and entrepreneur, get your daily dose of inspiration to help you make the world a better place. Today’s challenge is just four letters long: read. I know it sounds simple, but this is reading and making a real habit of doing so, a daily habit if you can. Reading something to help you keep the information fresh. You know, as an innovator, as an inventor, you’ve probably got your head down, focused on the project that you’re solving, and sometimes weeks, months, or even years go by without you even kind of coming up for air and looking at the technology. What’s important is you keep the ideas fresh, and to do that, you’ve got to read.
Now, moving to the next section, which is all about patents and innovation, would you guess it, we’re still reading. Read patents, read patents because it’s important for you to do the research you need to do, your diligence. If you’ve got a technology and an innovation in a certain area, you’ve got to read patents to understand the language and what you’re going to potentially protect via patent law. Read the specification, look at how the drawings come together, and the different structure and items within a patent. Theory of law today is the abstract. The abstract under 37 CFR 1.72 defines what an abstract is, and it is in every single patent for a utility patent, as you’ll see as you begin to read. The abstract really conveys to a layperson, you know, someone of the public, what your invention is all about. It’s only comprising 150 words, but you’ll see as you begin reading these abstracts is that they cover quite a bit, and it’s a nice way to get a snapshot into what you’re going to be reading as you go through the patent application.
Here’s what I want you to do: start a reading group or join a reading group because nothing helps better than having someone else urging you and being an accountability partner when it comes to starting a new thing, especially when it comes to reading. One way I’ve found a way to do this is through listening, right? You can listen with apps like Audible or using your local library app. You can listen to books in the car, while working out. These are ways you can get inspired. So, if you liked this session of The Bold Today, why not share it with someone you know that could use a tip? Thanks for listening to today’s Bold Today’s Show. I wish y’all a wonderful day. Go big, go bold.
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So again, thanks for listening and being a part of The Bold Today’s Show. I’m your host, J.D. Houvener Be bold today at boldIP.com.