Patents vs. Copyrights vs. Trademarks vs. Trade Secrets: What Do You Really Need?
As you explore ways to protect your idea, you may have come up against the whole patents vs. copyrights vs. trademarks vs. trade secrets issue. These are four different types of intellectual property, all with varying requirements and protections. In some cases, it's entirely possible to manage things for yourself. In...
Patents vs. Copyrights vs. Trademarks vs. Trade Secrets: What Do You Really Need? Continue reading…Chat GPT and AI for Trademark Searching
You want to protect your business name and other intellectual property with a trademark - that’s the perfect place to start.
IP and brand recognition are two of the most important assets that your business has. That means that filing for trademarks where needed is essential! Before you file,...
Top Reasons for a Refusal of Registration of Trademark
Developing a brand identity is a rewarding part of starting your own business. You can decide how you want the public to see your company and express that identity through your logo, business name, and color scheme—to name just a few. You’ll also need to trademark some of these elements to guard...
Top Reasons for a Refusal of Registration of Trademark Continue reading…What Is a Trademark Non-Use Cancellation and How Does It Impact Me?
You may think that registering a trademark grants you perpetual rights to that mark. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. If your company had to discontinue manufacturing or sale of products or if you’ve otherwise limited your business’s scope, you’ll need to check the status of all your registered trademarks. A trademark can...
What Is a Trademark Non-Use Cancellation and How Does It Impact Me? Continue reading…Can You Start a Business without a Trademark, and Is It a Good Idea?
Can you start a business without a trademark? The short answer is yes. The longer answer is that it depends on what you want for your business. How much protection do you want for the products and services you provide? How much growth do you anticipate and...
Can You Start a Business without a Trademark, and Is It a Good Idea? Continue reading…