Overcoming Section 101 Subject Matter Eligibility Rejections

Your invention or idea is novel and unique — so surely you should be able to obtain a patent for it, right? Not necessarily. You will also need to meet patent subject matter requirements. Subject matter eligibility is one of the most important tests you’ll need to pass in order to obtain patent protection for your invention or...
Overcoming Section 101 Subject Matter Eligibility Rejections Continue reading…

The Guide: Patenting Dental Implants

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Dental professionals understand that dental implants are essential for patients who have lost teeth due to injury, decay, or other reasons. They provide a permanent solution to restore a patient's smile and improve their quality of life. However, developing a new dental...

The Guide: Patenting Dental Implants Continue reading…
Making your invention qualify for US patent protection is going to require a lot of due diligence

FAQ: Does My Invention Qualify for US Patent Protection?

https://boldip.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/shutterstock_716860588-1-1024x683.jpg "Does my invention qualify for US patent protection?" is a question we answer often. Unfortunately, it's never as easy as a straightforward yes or no. We have to delve into four specific criteria that apply to every application, regardless of type. These four criteria include novelty, utility, non-obviousness, and subject matter eligibility coverage. All of...
FAQ: Does My Invention Qualify for US Patent Protection? Continue reading…

FAQ: How Do US Trademarks Work Internationally?

Unfortunately, basic trademarks don't automatically work internationally. When you receive an approved trademark from the United States Patent and Trademark Office, you're only covered in the US and its territories. To ensure your trademark works internationally, you'll need to do some extra legwork. However, agreements between countries exist that allow US trademarks...
FAQ: How Do US Trademarks Work Internationally? Continue reading…

FAQ: What’s the Difference Between Copyrights and Patents?

There are surprisingly a lot of differences between these two types of intellectual property (IP) rights. In the simplest language, copyrights protect artistic works, while patents protect inventions. There are four main areas of IP Law, and patents and copyrights are just two of them. You will see below, Ii’ve listed each area of IP...
FAQ: What’s the Difference Between Copyrights and Patents? Continue reading…

FAQ: Can You Patent NFTs?

Yes! Of course, this yes comes with many caveats. But, really, it is much like the answer to Can I patent software? The answer is “Yes” you can patent software inventions. New, novel, and nonobvious business methods are, by law, patent eligible under 35 USC 101. As it turns out, which I’ll get to later, NFTs...
FAQ: Can You Patent NFTs? Continue reading…
What does patent pending mean?

FAQ: When Can I Put “Patent Pending” on My Invention?

“Patent pending” can mean many different things. But, once you file a patent application with the USPTO, you can start using that phrase! I’m guessing you want to know more, right? Okay. I guess I can provide a little context for you budding inventors/entrepreneurs out there. Let’s do a deeper dive and answer the following questions: ...
FAQ: When Can I Put “Patent Pending” on My Invention? Continue reading…
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FAQ: What is Trade Dress?

Trade dress is an area of trademark law that is often overlooked. Many business owners and entrepreneurs are familiar with copyrights and trademarks, but very few realize how valuable a trade dress can be in terms of protecting and defining their brand.

Trade dress capitalizes on the...

FAQ: What is Trade Dress? Continue reading…