In recent years, innovations in technology have touched different industries in various ways. Technology has led to process improvements in some cases, while fundamentally changing business operations in others. In academics and education, technological advances more than a decade ago paved the way for remote instruction and collaboration tools that were widely embraced and implemented in classrooms around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. Technological innovations in use today have also changed the tools used for in-person instruction, improved teachers’ abilities to reach students with different learning styles, gamified and personalized the learning process, and more.
If you have ideas for novel academic tech products, software tools, or other technology means that improve the educational/learning process, patenting your invention can protect your right to create, market, sell, and use it.
How Do You Patent an Edtech Idea?
Academic patenting is an option for any new technological invention or process as long as it is novel, useful, and nonobvious. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) reviews patent applications to determine whether a submitted invention or idea meets these requirements.
The patent process should not start, however, with completing and submitting a patent application. One of the biggest hurdles for many inventors when seeking patent protection is proving that their ideas are new. Conducting a thorough patent search for any current or pending patents — and looking for innovation already in the public domain — can help you understand what similar products and services may already exist. With this knowledge, you can be prepared to defend your technology and explain how it differs from or improves upon any potential conflicts.
As part of your patent application, you will also need to clearly define your technology device, tool, or service and explain how it works. In addition, you will need clear diagrams as well as pictures or drawings that can help a patent examiner visualize and understand what your invention is and its potential applications in the edtech space.
A knowledgeable patent attorney can help you create a patent strategy designed to maximize your rights. A patent lawyer should also be able to explain the differences between provisional and nonprovisional utility patent applications and assist with preparing and submitting application materials crafted to proactively address USPTO patent examiners’ potential questions or objections.
Protect Your Innovation, Reassure Investors, and Create Revenue Streams
Obtaining a patent for edtech is not a simple process, nor is it inexpensive. However, edtech inventors and their companies can benefit from patent protection in several ways.
Securing a patent on a new technological process or product gives the patent holder the exclusive rights to use, make, market, distribute, or sell their idea/innovation for a period of 20 years. In the event another company tries to take a substantially similar product to market, the patent holder can seek to enforce their rights and recoup monetary damages from the infringer.
For start-up firms, obtaining patent protection for academic tech inventions can help attract and retain investors who will likely feel more secure in their investments knowing that the company holds one or more enforceable patents. Patent holders can also benefit financially in more direct ways by being able to enter into revenue-generating licensing and use agreements with other companies.
Is Academic Patenting Right for You? Bold Patents Can Help You Decide.
The licensed patent attorneys at Bold Patents work with start-up firms, individual inventors, entrepreneurs, and others in education/academic technology and a range of other industries, creating and implementing strategies designed to protect clients’ intellectual property.
Our patent services include helping clients determine whether their invention or idea is patentable, conducting patent searches, preparing and submitting patent applications, and handling postsubmission filings and responses. We serve clients nationwide, providing services through a remote delivery model and transparent pricing.
To learn more about obtaining patent protection for your edtech idea or innovation, contact us today to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call.