Hi everyone, I’m J.D. Houvener, your host of the Bold Today Show. For you, the inventor and entrepreneur, get your daily dose of inspiration to make the world a better place. Okay, we’re in part three of our flying animal series, and I’m excited to talk about the dragonflies, one of the oldest animals alive today. They’ve been around for 300 million years, experts say. These flying critters are amazing. I mean, I’m sure you’ve looked at them, and if you ever took a close look, you can just see how complex and almost perfectly they fly, right? They can control complete vertical up-and-down movements, horizontal, and, of course, any direction in between. Dragonflies do everything in the air; they eat, fly, travel, even mate in midair. Dragonflies are incredible.
So, the challenge of the day is, as I think about dragonflies in the aspects of what they do best – flying – you think about what you do best. What’s your best skill? What do people compliment you about all the time? It can be, you know, you know what it is. You’ve probably heard it; you probably enjoy it the most out of any activity because you’re that good at it. Practice that skill, work on it. Take some time each day, dedicate a day or a couple of times each week to work on that skill, and make sure you harness that, and you’ll see some major improvements in your daily life for it.
So, in today’s patent, we’re going to talk about something really cool. I think I’m going to go look for this product if it’s on the market. This is how to get rid of mosquitoes, right? In the summertime when you got nasty mosquitoes all around you, you want to try to get rid of them. This patent, also issued in 2007, came out and it’s got a picture of a mosquito right here. You can see it. The idea is that through sound, through audio signals, it’s able to capture what a predator sounds like. So, in this case, the number one predator to a mosquito is a dragonfly. What this invention talks about is a method for eradicating mosquitoes or any other prey by simply playing that audible of what an approaching dragonfly sounds like.
So, it’s quite interesting that what they’ve done is they’ve made it so it’s not so strained for humans to hear. They’ve integrated this sound of the dragonfly approaching with music. So, it’s almost inaudible to humans as the music plays, dragonflies are able to pick up on that instinctual predator sound. You think of like the Jaws, you know, dun-dun, and that’s kind of what the mosquitoes are hearing through this sort of instinctual sound of the number one predator coming.
What I wanted to point out about this patent here is that the claim language, and hopefully, we’ll get a chance to take a look at it, is quite broad. On this flowchart that I have pulled up, you can see that it covers way more than dragonflies and mosquitoes. It mentions terms like predator and prey, and so it allows for any animal. So, it was brilliant for the patent attorney who put this together to write the claim language in this manner because this could go for any type of animal anywhere in the food chain.
So, even though your instincts are only 200,000 years old as humans, use your instincts, use those skills that you’ve developed and found to be your best, and hopefully, you find a way to harness them and practice those. Those are ways that you can just use your god-given talents to do good in the world. So, I hope we all have enjoyed this version of today’s Bold Today Show. If you enjoyed it, please like us on our social media channels. And if you didn’t, please let us know why in the comments or send us an email after visiting boldpatents.com. We’d be happy to hear your thoughts and ways to improve this show. Have a great day, everybody. Go big, go bold.
So again, thanks for listening and being a part of the Bold Today Show. I’m your host, J.D. Houvener. Be bold today at boldip.com.