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By J.D. Houvener
Patent Attorney and Founder

JD: We’re learning about inventions and hearing stories about your experiences. Alizah, could you please start us off and tell us about your product?

Alizah: Absolutely. I have it right here. This is the SphereHead memory foam pillow. Let me show you on the big screen. This is the side you sleep on. The head rests in the center concave, and the neck indent mirrors the natural curve of the cervical spine. For back sleepers, it’s very beneficial because it prevents the head from twisting too far over the shoulder during the night as it rests along the outer curve of the cheek, helping to prevent neck muscle strain and keep the spine aligned. It’s also helpful for side sleepers because it rests along the outer curve of the face, and won’t interfere with any sleep apparatus like an eye mask or a CPAP machine.

Alizah: I personally love the SphereHead pillow because I’m a back and side sleeper. What I love about it is that it rolls with you as you move during the night, allowing for seamless transitions between sleeping positions. It also has a charmeuse fabric pillowcase, which is shiny and helps prevent hair breakage, beneficial for all hair types.

Matt: Isn’t she great?

JD: That pitch was very smooth. Matt, you’re working with her on the trademark side, right?

Matt: Yes, her trademark was actually just published last month.

JD: Congrats, Alizah, that’s huge.

Matt: It was accepted with no issues regarding descriptiveness or likelihood of confusion. We’re set to register, as long as no one opposes it during the publication period.

JD: Alizah, where are you at with the product now? How are you approaching the market?

Alizah: I just recently came to market after about five years on this journey. Currently, I’m on Amazon and have a landing page that I’m turning into its own e-commerce site. Right now, I’m looking to partner with chiropractors and other healthcare professionals whose clientele could benefit from the SphereHead pillow.

JD: So, this is available on your Amazon page. How long has it been listed?

Eliza: About a month.

Matt: Did you go through the brand registry process with Amazon?

Alizah: Yes, I did. It was quite simple, and Matt helped me with that process as well.

JD: Great. How have sales been so far?

Alizah: Things are going well. It’s a slow start since I’m a brand-new startup, but I’m optimistic. This is actually my first media outlet appearance, and we had a press release last week, so I’m hoping for more outreach soon. My strategy is to partner with professionals who can recommend it to their clients.

Matt: That sounds like a solid plan.

JD: Have you encountered any issues with infringers on Amazon?

Alizah: No, not yet, but I’ve only been on for a short time. Hopefully, I won’t have to deal with that in the future.

Matt: Where are you manufacturing your product?

Alizah: Unfortunately, it’s currently manufactured abroad because producing it in the U.S. would have quadrupled the price. However, my goal is to eventually open my own manufacturing plant to keep costs low and maintain more control.

Matt: Alizah, you mentioned that this journey took nearly five years.

JD: Can you share some major milestones and lessons learned during this time?

Alizah: Certainly. Every step of my journey has felt like it was just around the corner, but there have been constant bumps in the road. My greatest accomplishments include getting my patents—a utility and a design patent—along with my trademark. Prototyping took a substantial amount of time and resources because I wanted to ensure the product would be successful and beneficial to as many people as possible.

Alizah: Getting to market was another hurdle. The website, PR, and everything else took time. My advice to anyone pursuing their own business or inventing a product is to remain flexible, keep adjusting, and moving forward. Patience and persistence are key.

JD: It’s impressive that you didn’t have an engineering background yet managed to develop this product.

Matt: Can you tell us about your professional background and how it translated into this new venture?

Alizah: I was a paralegal for 17 years, but not in patent or trademark law. I did probate and estates, which is very different. I had no familiarity with inventing or patent law. This journey started because I needed this pillow. I’m primarily a back sleeper, and the pillows on the market didn’t address my issues. My neck muscles would twist and strain all night, causing migraines. So, I sketched out my idea and reached out to Bold Patents. Simultaneously, I contacted engineers to create a CAD file, which is essential for any prototype.

JD: It’s inspiring to see how you took an idea born out of necessity and turned it into a marketable product.

Alizah: Thank you. I appreciate the support and guidance from Bold Patents. The team there has been incredibly supportive and instrumental in helping me navigate this journey.

JD: Let’s dive a bit deeper into the process. After you had the initial sketches and reached out to Bold Patents, what were the next steps in developing the prototype and getting it ready for market?

Alizah: After contacting Bold Patents, the next step was creating a CAD file, which involved working with engineers. This step was crucial because it translated my sketches into a 3D model that could be used to create a prototype. The prototyping stage was extensive and involved multiple iterations. The first SphereHead pillow was specifically designed for my head shape and size to ensure proper spine alignment. Over time, we adjusted the design to make it more universal and suitable for a wider audience.

Alizah: We tested different sizes, foams, and materials to find the perfect combination. Once we had a prototype that worked, we moved on to testing it with various users to get feedback and make further improvements. This iterative process took several years, but it was essential to ensure the final product met all our criteria for comfort and support.

Matt: It sounds like a meticulous process. How did you handle the challenges and setbacks along the way?

Alizah: There were definitely challenges and setbacks. One of the biggest challenges was finding the right materials and manufacturing process to keep costs low while maintaining high quality. Another challenge was ensuring the design met the needs of different types of sleepers, both back and side sleepers.

Alizah: Throughout this journey, I learned to be flexible and persistent. Each setback was an opportunity to learn and improve. I also surrounded myself with a supportive team, including the folks at Bold Patents, who provided valuable guidance and encouragement. Having a network of supportive people made a huge difference in navigating the ups and downs of the invention process.

JD: That’s a great point. Having a strong support system is crucial. Can you tell us more about your experience with the patent and trademark process? How did Bold Patents help you?

Alizah: Bold Patents was instrumental in helping me navigate the patent and trademark process. From the initial consultation to filing the applications, they provided expert advice and handled all the legal aspects. They helped me understand the importance of protecting my intellectual property and guided me through the steps to secure my utility and design patents.

Alizah: When it came time to file for the trademark, they made the process seamless. They assisted with the application, ensured there were no issues with descriptiveness or likelihood of confusion, and provided support during the publication period. Their expertise and support gave me confidence that my intellectual property was well protected.

Matt: It sounds like Bold Patents played a significant role in your journey. What advice would you give to other inventors who are just starting out?

Alizah: My advice to other inventors is to stay persistent and patient. The journey from idea to market is often longer and more challenging than you might expect, but it’s important to keep moving forward. Surround yourself with a supportive team, seek expert advice, and be open to learning and adapting along the way.

Alizah: Don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Whether it’s legal support, engineering expertise, or marketing advice, having the right people in your corner can make a huge difference. And most importantly, believe in your idea and stay committed to your vision. With persistence and the right support, you can turn your idea into a reality.

JD: That’s excellent advice, Alizah. Thank you for sharing your story and insights. It’s inspiring to hear about your journey and the success you’ve achieved with the SphereHead pillow.

Alizah: Thank you for having me. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my story and hope it encourages other inventors to pursue their dreams.

JD: Alizah, your journey is truly inspiring, and it’s a testament to the power of persistence and innovation. Thank you for joining us today and sharing your experiences.

Alizah: Thank you for having me. It’s been a pleasure to share my journey, and I hope it helps others who are on a similar path.

About the Author
J.D. Houvener is a Registered USPTO Patent Attorney who has a strong interest in helping entrepreneurs and businesses thrive. J.D. leverages his technical background in engineering and experience in the aerospace industry to provide businesses with a unique perspective on their patent needs. He works with clients who are serious about investing in their intellectual assets and provides counsel on how to capitalize their patents in the market. If you have any questions regarding this article or patents in general, consider contacting J.D. Houvener at