St. Augustine Patent Attorney

St. Augustine FL Patent Lawyers

St. Augustine may be the oldest city in the US, but many new/bright ideas come out of the greater St. Augustine area. Nearby Jacksonville, St. Augustine is close to Universities and thriving technology businesses as well as textile, manufacturing, and engineering. If you’re looking to get started with your next invention, get a hold of Bold Patents, your St. Augustine Patent Attorney.


Bold Patents J.D. Houvener, Esq., MBA, P.E.

Principal Patent Attorney, Bold Patents

Who is Bold Patents Law Firm?

Our clients are investors, entrepreneurs, and scientists that are pushing the limits, doing what hasn’t been done before, and taking risks in the spirit of progress and positive change.

We now serve clients nationwide to enable visionaries with top-quality patents, to dominate the competition in the market!

What Others Have Said About Bold
Patents’ Law Firm!

Bold Patents - Martino Testimonial

Brian Hanson Testimonial

Client Testimonial | Bob Kahra