medical specialist at work

How Medical Device Patents Drive Competitive Advantage in the Healthcare Industry

In the fast-paced world of the healthcare industry, medical devices are revolutionizing patient care and transforming clinical practices. However, the key to retaining a competitive edge in this rapidly evolving landscape often hinges upon securing patents for these innovative devices. Companies can leverage medical device patents to foster innovation, encourage competition,...

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Patents vs. Copyrights vs. Trademarks vs. Trade Secrets: What Do You Really Need?

As you explore ways to protect your idea, you may have come up against the whole patents vs. copyrights vs. trademarks vs. trade secrets issue. These are four different types of intellectual property, all with varying requirements and protections. In some cases, it's entirely possible to manage things for yourself. In...
Patents vs. Copyrights vs. Trademarks vs. Trade Secrets: What Do You Really Need? Continue reading…

Spring Cleaning Inventions

Spring has arrived, and with it comes the annual tradition of spring cleaning! While it may not be the most exciting task, it's a great opportunity to freshen up your home and get organized. And with the help of innovative cleaning inventions and devices, spring cleaning can be a breeze! Thankfully, inventors...
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Overcoming Section 101 Subject Matter Eligibility Rejections

Your invention or idea is novel and unique — so surely you should be able to obtain a patent for it, right? Not necessarily. You will also need to meet patent subject matter requirements. Subject matter eligibility is one of the most important tests you’ll need to pass in order to obtain patent protection for your invention or...
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Auto Patents And Innovation

If you’ve purchased or leased a new vehicle in the past few years, or have driven a late-model rental car, you may have been pleasantly surprised at a new array of vehicle features that are becoming increasingly common. What’s more, electric vehicles and self-driving cars — ideas that seemed far-fetched in the not-too-distant past...
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Branding for Your Dental Business

td {padding:10px;border:1px solid black;}td img {margin:0 auto;display:block;} You’re a practicing dentist with a passion for innovation. Or maybe you’re a professional inventor with expertise in the dental industry. Maybe you even own your own dental practice or business, and you’re excited about developing future products or processes in the field. Whatever your path is, we...
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How To Patent Your Jewelry Designs

If you design or make jewelry, whether it’s a hobby or something you’ve turned into a full-fledged business, you probably take great pride in your work and in imagining people wearing and enjoying your creations. The last thing you want is to spend time and resources creating something special only to have someone else...
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How do you patent a dental product?

Bold Patents for Dental Professionals

td {padding:10px;border:1px solid black;}td img {margin:0 auto;display:block;} Are you a dental professional improving on your field through innovations and ideas? The world needs more people like you! As you’re going through the process of designing new tools or processes, it’s important to have some type of legal protection in place. Intellectual Property is a complex...
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The Guide: Patenting Dental Implants

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Dental professionals understand that dental implants are essential for patients who have lost teeth due to injury, decay, or other reasons. They provide a permanent solution to restore a patient's smile and improve their quality of life. However, developing a new dental...

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Patents are important for several reasons—but overall, they drive innovation

Construction Patents For Inventions And Innovations

Innovative ideas for new and improved processes and tools have brought some remarkable changes to the construction industry in recent years. For example, processes and components for modular and prefabricated structures, autonomous construction robots, and technology solutions designed to manage job sites more effectively have created resource efficiencies, improved safety, and established more environmentally...
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Dental Tools & Patents

td {padding:10px;border:1px solid black;}td img {margin:0 auto;display:block;} Dental tools and inventions have come a long way in recent years, and many dental professionals, like yourself, are paving the way for improved tools, better patient care, more positive patient outcomes, and even more efficiency for other dentists. When I say dental tools have come a long way,...
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Design Patent Mistakes To Avoid When Filing An Application

Filing a design patent application can provide valuable protection. In fact, once approved, you will have protection for your invention’s appearance for 15 years. While applying for a design patent is typically a simpler process than applying for a utility patent, there are several common patent mistakes that could result in costly delays. Understanding...
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Furniture Patents

The furniture each of us uses every day impacts our lives in ways most people probably don’t spend a lot of time thinking about. Having unique furniture can make us more comfortable at home or on vacation, more productive at work and can even improve quality of life. If you have an idea for...
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Obtaining a business method patent is more manageable with expert help

Dental Industry Patents

Patenting your dental invention can be a valuable investment for protecting and commercializing your ideas. However, navigating the process without an attorney can be complex and time-consuming. A patent gives the inventor exclusive rights to prevent others from making, using, selling, and importing an invention for a specified period of time, usually 20 years...
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Sports Patents: How To Protect Your Innovations

The sports and fitness industry has grown exponentially in recent decades, thanks in large part to continued innovation in the products, gadgets and technologies used by recreational athletes and sports professionals alike. While much of this innovation has been driven by major corporations, many ground-breaking products came to fruition because of ideas hatched by...
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