Cloud Computing And Patents

Cloud computing is now a core component of effective business operations. This distributed resource model has seen significant growth over the past few years, and this expanding market has opened the door for technology innovation. The challenge? Ensuring that credit — and compensation — for new and creative ideas are given where they are due....
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Patents For Pet Tech

If you are a pet parent, you’re probably always on the lookout for innovative products and services designed with your pet’s enjoyment in mind. And let’s face it: When a new product for our cats, dogs, or other furry friends also promises to make our own lives easier, purchasing that product is usually a...
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a businessman holds a digitalized hologram of earth with the words blockchain technology written over it to represent filing for patents for blockchain technology

Patents for Blockchain Technology: What Is Actually Patentable?

In recent years, blockchains, cryptocurrency, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have dominated headlines in the tech industry. There’s no shortage of corporate buzzwords and industry jargon surrounding these topics—resulting in a fair share of confusion. The hype (and misunderstanding) around blockchain technology has left innovators with a few glaring questions. This article will discuss one...
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