Unlocking Trademark Secrets for Entrepreneurs!
A trademark is how customers recognize your business in the marketplace. It’s different from your company’s legal name, the one you register with the Secretary of State.
For example, our law firm operates under Bold Patents PLLC, but we market ourselves as Bold Patents. That’s the...
How Do I Patent My Invention Internationally?
Hi, I’m JD Houvener, the owner and founder of Bold Patents Law Firm, and the author of Bold Ideas: The Inventor's Guide to Patents. You can check out my book below and grab a copy to better understand today’s patent laws.
Now, let’s talk about international patent protection....
Unlock Your Invention: Patent Secrets!
Can You Patent Something That Already Exists But Was Never Patented?
No, you can’t. To get a patent, your idea has to be new, original, and your own. If someone else already created it—even if they never patented it—you can’t just claim it. It doesn’t matter if you were...
What if Someone Copies My Invention?
What happens if someone copies your invention?
Hi, I’m JD Houvener, a patent attorney and the owner of Bold Patents Law Firm. I’ve spent over 10 years helping inventors secure patents, and I’ve written Bold Ideas: The Inventor’s Guide to Patents. If you haven’t checked it out,...
10-Year-Old Innovator Shakes Up Parenting!
Every parent knows the struggle: babies love throwing their spoons on the floor. But guess what? There's a simple fix. Just attach a pacifier clip to the baby's tun and hook it onto their shirt. Voila! No more spoons on the floor.
But here's the kicker—the baby tun is...