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By J.D. Houvener
Patent Attorney and Founder

Hi, I’m J.D. Houvener, and welcome to The Bold Today’s Show, where you, the inventor and entrepreneur, get your daily dose of inspiration to help you make the world a better place. Well, today is Tuesday, and I took a tip from yesterday from big fake President Lincoln – we’re a little tired today, so hopefully, you have taken a tip as well. Anyway, it’s not just any old regular Tuesday; today is Fat Tuesday, otherwise known as Mardi Gras. Alright, party on, right? Well, why are we partying? We’re not going to go into a big history lesson today, but it’s a day of celebration because tomorrow, for many Christians, the Lenten season takes place, or quite a bit of fasting, right? Not eating takes place, so today is a day for eating. So today’s challenge for you is to eat, not just anything, eat something you’ve never eaten before, okay? Go for something that might be hard, so we’re going to allow you to combine some food you’ve never combined before. Do that and report back, and put it in the comments. I want to see what you guys are eating out there.

Today’s invention story is about Mardi Gras, okay, but wait, not the party or celebration. It’s actually about a patent that was issued named Mardi Gras. It was the name of a plant, and you can see from the image right here, this is a flower named the Mardi Gras. But this is part of a plant patent, a distinct type of patent, not a utility, not a design, but a plant that you can get protected under USPTO laws. What you have to do, though, is different. You’ve got to actually submit a specimen to the USPTO, and that’s why, among other things, you can’t necessarily patent marijuana strains because it’s still federally controlled. You can’t just send marijuana across state lines. We’re talking today about getting these celebrations out, having some fun, having a good Mardi Gras. So, if you’re going to go celebrate with someone else, give them this version of today’s The Bold Today’s Show, and give them a listen. It’ll be fun to share your experience.

Thank you for listening and have a great day today. Go big, go bold.

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So, again, thanks for listening and being a part of The Bold Today’s Show. I’m your host, J.D. Houvener. Be bold today at

About the Author
J.D. Houvener is a Registered USPTO Patent Attorney who has a strong interest in helping entrepreneurs and businesses thrive. J.D. leverages his technical background in engineering and experience in the aerospace industry to provide businesses with a unique perspective on their patent needs. He works with clients who are serious about investing in their intellectual assets and provides counsel on how to capitalize their patents in the market. If you have any questions regarding this article or patents in general, consider contacting J.D. Houvener at