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By J.D. Houvener
Patent Attorney and Founder

Spring Cleaning Inventions

Spring has arrived, and with it comes the annual tradition of spring cleaning! While it may not be the most exciting task, it’s a great opportunity to freshen up your home and get organized. And with the help of innovative cleaning inventions and devices, spring cleaning can be a breeze! Thankfully, inventors have come up with a number of clever cleaning solutions to make the job a bit easier. At Bold Patents, we’re always excited to see new and innovative cleaning technologies emerge. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most interesting spring cleaning inventions and devices that are patent protected. 

Note: Click on the title of each invention to see the full patent!

Robot Vacuum with Internal Mapping System

Vacuuming is one of those chores that I dread, and it’s something that needs to get done a few times every week – not just in the spring! It’s no surprise that robotic vacuum cleaners, also known as “robovacs,” have become increasingly popular in recent years. These devices use sensors and programming to navigate around a room, avoiding obstacles and cleaning floors automatically. Many robovacs can be controlled with a smartphone app, allowing users to schedule cleaning times and monitor the device’s progress. Robovacs are a great example of how technology can make cleaning easier and more convenient.

Mobile Telephone Cleaning Case

This is a great invention for something we use everyday but don’t think about cleaning all that often – your cell phone! This specific invention makes it more convenient to wipe down your device without scratching or scraping it. Think about all of the germs, oils, dirt, and bacteria that build up on your phone throughout the day – yuck! Investing in a new innovative product like this one can be a great item to add to your spring cleaning checklist.

Air Purifier

Depending on where you live, springtime is also the season where allergies tend to get worse. In recent years, allergens and even air quality have grown to be of more concern. Air purifiers are a popular solution, especially for families who are prone to getting sick more often. Because of the fairly recent market entrance of air purifiers, inventors have an opportunity to jump in with there being plenty of room for innovation and improvement. Additionally, as the importance of indoor air quality continues to grow, the demand for new and improved air purifier inventions is likely to remain strong.

Multi-Purpose Mitt

Finally, here’s a new way to complete the never-ending chore of dusting! It can be difficult to get the dust, dirt, and pollen wiped away without spreading it all over your house. This microfiber mitt can be used to easily pick up larger quantities of dust, and it’s super easy to rinse off and use again. The inventor suggests using it around the house, but it’s also perfect for getting your vehicles squeaky clean after a good wash. This simple innovation can boost your cleaning routine all year ‘round.

Spring into action and patent your invention!

If you’ve got an idea that makes your cleaning process easier, more-effective, or even more eco-friendly, then it’s time to get a patent! In fact, any new product or invention that you’ve come up with should have patent protection.

At Bold Patents, we specialize in helping inventors and small businesses safeguard their intellectual property. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to benefit from your ingenuity and hard work. Getting a patent granted is the best next step you can take in bringing your invention to market. So, what are you waiting for? Spring into action and book your free screening call with us here. Go Big, Go Bold!

About the Author
J.D. Houvener is a Registered USPTO Patent Attorney who has a strong interest in helping entrepreneurs and businesses thrive. J.D. leverages his technical background in engineering and experience in the aerospace industry to provide businesses with a unique perspective on their patent needs. He works with clients who are serious about investing in their intellectual assets and provides counsel on how to capitalize their patents in the market. If you have any questions regarding this article or patents in general, consider contacting J.D. at