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By J.D. Houvener
Patent Attorney and Founder

Everybody, I’m J.D. Houvener, your host to the Bold Today’s show, with you, the inventor, entrepreneur, business owner, getting your daily inspiration to make the world a better place.




We’re here near the end of our long 13-step process on how to file your patent application. So, I’m excited to share with you here today what are the documents that need to get uploaded to the Patent Office in order to get that all-important filing date that you’re looking for.

One note to say right up front, you gotta make sure that all the documents that you’re looking to upload need to be in PDF format. So, please make sure you do that. I think any word processor out there today has got the option to export or save as a PDF, so don’t forget that before you upload.

Now there are five main documents to upload. You gotta have separate documents for each one of these. The first one is a single page that’s very simple. It’s got your title and inventor’s name on it. We did that as part of step one.

Number two is the written description. This is key, right? This is a huge part of the patent application. What we did the hard work in steps 2 all the way through 9 and including step 11 as well. So, include all of that in one separate document for the written description.

The third document is the drawings, those figures we did in section 10 that you put all the labels on and you put all the different versions and views. Please put that into a separate document as well.

The last two are forms. The first one is required, the cover sheet. The provisional cover sheet is gonna have the inventor’s name, the applicant information. You’ll see I’ve got listed in the article here the form number to go pull up from the website.

Last but not least, we always include this for our solo inventors or small business inventors is to see if you qualify for a savings. You can use the micro or small entity size, it’s based on your income, to see if you qualify to pay a reduced amount of fees. So, that’s the last form to include in your filing. That’s it, just those five for your provisional patent application.

So, if you have any questions about that, you’re worried about how you’re gonna submit it, please don’t be afraid to give us a call, go to our website at There’s good information there, and as always, we’ve got the ability to book a free consult with one of our advisors. Alright, everybody, have a great afternoon. Go big, go bold.

About the Author
J.D. Houvener is a Registered USPTO Patent Attorney who has a strong interest in helping entrepreneurs and businesses thrive. J.D. leverages his technical background in engineering and experience in the aerospace industry to provide businesses with a unique perspective on their patent needs. He works with clients who are serious about investing in their intellectual assets and provides counsel on how to capitalize their patents in the market. If you have any questions regarding this article or patents in general, consider contacting J.D. Houvener at