Best 41 Co-Working Spaces in Brooklyn, NY
The borough of go-getters, the land of innovation, Brooklyn is by no means, "home to a faithful coworking community that’s hungry to get the job done."
While there is certainly a multitude of creative coworking spaces in the New York area, the question is, "which one is right...

Top 17 New York Business Attorneys
If you’re an upcoming entrepreneur looking to start your business or maybe even patent idea in NYC, there is a chance that you’re going to want help from an upstanding business attorney to make sure everything is done well and right.
The good news for entrepreneurs in...

23 Essential Resources For Entrepreneurs and Inventors in New York
NYC is infamous for being a hotspot for business development. The millions of old school mom and pop shops and spanking new high tech startups that fill the city stand as a quiet testament of this claim.
To aid these businesses big city offers...