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By J.D. Houvener
Patent Attorney and Founder

In today’s rapidly evolving innovation ecosystem, managing and protecting your intellectual property (IP) can determine the success and longevity of your business or startup. As the backbone of your company’s unique offerings, your IP not only represents your brand’s identity but also its market potential and competitive edge. For those looking to grow, partner, or secure investments, ensuring your IP is robust and safeguarded is paramount. In this blog, we’ll explore what you need to know about your intellectual property to make it as appealing and secure as possible for potential stakeholders.

Importance of IP in Today’s U.S. Economy

The significance of intellectual property (IP) in our current economy cannot be overstated. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, IP is a vital engine of growth, supporting over 45 million jobs in America and contributing to more than $6 trillion in GDP. These figures aren’t just abstract numbers; they underscore the essential role that patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets play in driving innovation, fueling economic progress, and establishing market leadership for businesses.

Moreover, the economic footprint of IP doesn’t stop at its direct contributions. Intellectual property-intensive industries are responsible for roughly 27.7% of all jobs in the U.S., indicating the widespread influence of IP across various sectors. However, the high value of IP also makes it a frequent point of contention, with approximately 12,000 intellectual property cases filed every year. This highlights the increasing importance of IP protection and the need for businesses to be proactive in safeguarding their most valuable assets.


In order to ensure that you are in the best possible position to take full advantage of your IP assets, you need to make sure that you have completed the following steps and are PRIMED:

  • P – Protected IP: Protecting the four major areas of intellectual property—patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets—is of paramount importance in today’s competitive business landscape. Patents shield your inventions, allowing you to capitalize on your innovations without the fear of replication. Copyrights ensure your original works, whether artistic or literary, are not unlawfully reproduced, while trademarks guard the unique symbols, names, and slogans that distinguish your brand. Safeguarding trade secrets, on the other hand, is crucial to maintain your business’s competitive edge, as they often encompass processes or information pivotal to your operations.
  • R – Represented: Navigating the complexities of IP law without expert guidance can be fraught with pitfalls and unforeseen challenges. An attorney specializing in intellectual property ensures that your IP applications are not only thoroughly researched but also correctly filed, maximizing the chances of approval and minimizing costly errors. By entrusting this crucial process to a professional, you safeguard your innovations from potential legal disputes and infringements. Attempting to handle this intricate task alone can often result in missed opportunities, wasted resources, and diminished protections for your valuable assets.
  • I – Invested in Limited Liability Companies (LLCs): Holding your intellectual property assets within an LLC offers a strategic layer of protection that can be pivotal for business owners and inventors. An LLC serves as a separate legal entity, which means that in the event of a lawsuit or financial liabilities, your IP assets remain insulated and safe from potential creditors or litigants. Furthermore, this structure provides flexibility in management and distribution of IP revenues. By sequestering IP assets in an LLC, you not only shield these critical assets from external threats but also optimize their management and commercialization potential.
  • M – Map for Growth: Having a clear strategy for investors to review patents and proposed patent concepts is paramount in today’s innovation-driven economy. Such a framework provides investors with a transparent snapshot of the company’s intellectual assets, their viability, and potential market impact. Furthermore, a well-organized review strategy can expedite due diligence processes, helping to build investor confidence in the strength and originality of your IP portfolio. By providing a roadmap for patent evaluation, businesses can foster trust and facilitate more informed investment decisions.
  • E – Established Contracts: Establishing contracts with third parties is crucial when it comes to ensuring ownership of ongoing developments or improvements to your intellectual assets. Without these legal agreements, the lines of ownership can become blurred, leading to potential disputes or unintentional forfeitures of rights. Clearly delineated contracts specify roles, responsibilities, and entitlements, ensuring that all contributions, enhancements, or modifications remain under the intended ownership umbrella. By preemptively addressing these concerns with solid contractual foundations, businesses can safeguard their intellectual properties and continue to innovate without the looming threat of ownership ambiguities.
  • D – Distinct Ownership: Owning intellectual property (IP) in its entirety is pivotal for ensuring full control, reaping maximum benefits, and maintaining competitive advantage. Complete ownership means unencumbered rights to modify, commercialize, or license the IP as deemed fit by the owner without external constraints. Furthermore, it provides a clear avenue for legal recourse in the event of infringements. Without undivided ownership, businesses might find themselves entangled in disputes, losing potential revenue streams, and facing challenges in leveraging their IP to its fullest potential.
Download PDF: What Every Investor Wants to Know About your IP

Download What Every Investor Wants To Know About Your IP

Ensure Your Intellectual Property Is Fully Protected

The strategic positioning and robust protection of your intellectual property assets aren’t just legal necessities—they’re business imperatives. Being well-situated with respect to your IP ensures that you can maximize its potential in the marketplace and present a compelling proposition to potential investors. Ensuring that your IP assets are protected, well-documented, and clearly owned is tantamount to laying a strong foundation for your business’s future growth. If you’re interested in fortifying this cornerstone of your enterprise, we encourage you to reach out to Bold Patents, where our expertise will guide and safeguard your invaluable innovations.

About the Author
J.D. Houvener is a Registered USPTO Patent Attorney who has a strong interest in helping entrepreneurs and businesses thrive. J.D. leverages his technical background in engineering and experience in the aerospace industry to provide businesses with a unique perspective on their patent needs. He works with clients who are serious about investing in their intellectual assets and provides counsel on how to capitalize their patents in the market. If you have any questions regarding this article or patents in general, consider contacting J.D. Houvener at