If you’re looking for word mark trademark application services, you’re in the right place. If you’re unsure whether you’re looking for word mark trademark application services, you’re also in the right place. Either way, Bold Patents will get you on your way to protecting your intellectual property (IP). First, let’s determine whether a word mark is suitable for your IP. Then, browse our handy list of online word mark trademark services below.
Do You Need Word Mark Trademark Application Services?
A word mark protects the actual words, numbers, or characters that make up a trademark. These types of trademarks register the words representing your IP without any claim to their stylization, color, or typography. Accordingly, word marks are sometimes referred to as standard character marks. Those seeking a logo trademark or protection for other visual elements may also need to file a design mark.
Word Mark Trademark Application Services
So, just what does it take to apply for a word mark? Each stage of the trademarking process has a few variations depending on your particular IP’s needs. With Bold Patents, you’ll work through these steps remotely.
No matter what type of IP protection you’re seeking, a Discovery Call is step one in securing it. That’s why Bold Patents offers inventors and entrepreneurs 20-minute Discovery Calls for free. During the Discovery Call, we’ll walk you through:
- The best type of intellectual property protection for your product
- The steps involved in the process
- How you can navigate the system with our help and expedite your approval
A thorough search for existing word marks should be at the top of your priority list. If someone else in your industry has been granted word mark protection for the same words you’re trying to trademark, your application maybe denied. But the buck doesn’t stop there. Aside from exact matches, very close matches to your word mark could also cause a denial. Similar trademarks include anything close in sight, sound, or meaning. You can even have an issue if someone is using an antonym of your name. Consider which category your IP falls into in the chart below.
The US trademark application process typically takes 9–13 months to complete. Bold Patents can assist you in meeting all the deadlines and requirements. Throughout this timeline, the USPTO may also request additional information regarding your claim. We help inventors and entrepreneurs file timely inquiry responses to keep the application process as brief as possible. If you’re not quite ready to sell your product yet, we can help you file an intent-to-use application to protect your IP until you are. We can also assist with international applications.
Trademarks provide IP protection so long as you continue to use the trademark, but that doesn’t mean you can forget about it once your application has been approved. Bold Patents will ensure that your trademark remains valid. We can submit renewal to provide proof of activity to the USPTO and support your efforts to add or remove goods or services as time goes on.
Once your word mark trademark application has been approved, Bold Patents can monitor the market for potential infringement. If any issues arise, we can advise you about your options and help seek means of settlement that will keep you out of the courtroom.
If you’ve already filed a word mark trademark application but it’s no longer in use, or it’s been deemed abandoned, there’s no need to start from scratch. Bold Patents can sometimes petition to revive your trademark or renew your registration.
Contact Bold Patents Today
In need of word mark trademark application services but dreading making the trip to an office? Bold Patents is equipped to protect your intellectual property entirely remotely. Schedule your free Discovery Call to get started today.