Phil Martino, Inventor of Zipjewel

Meet Phil Martino
Inventor of Zipjewel
Hear from long-time Bold Client, Phil Martino of the San Francisco Bay Area. He’s a legend in film and video (directed all of Steve Job’s premiers while he was at Apple) turned entrepreneur with his simple zipper-attachment he calls the “Zipjewel”. Houda El-Jarrah, Bold’s Managing Attorney as she asks about the advent of the Zipjewel and how Phil’s planning to bring his solution to so many industries including San Francisco 49ers football team, San Rafael High School, Usher, 415 Club for baseball, Roots of Peace, and more.
Phil's Business Story
Listen to the full-length interview of Phil as he goes through in detail about his journey acquiring the patent and how it, along with the trademark and building of his brand have coupled to bring his invention to fruition in many markets. He discusses the QR code embedded within the jewel and how that has allowed people to connect, share story, and further their business through the zipjewel. Phil’s constant innovation/re-invention of his zipjewel is astounding and inspirational to say the least. Congrats, Phil!