Patents vs. Copyrights vs. Trademarks vs. Trade Secrets: What Do You Really Need?

As you explore ways to protect your idea, you may have come up against the whole patents vs. copyrights vs. trademarks vs. trade secrets issue. These are four different types of intellectual property, all with varying requirements and protections. In some cases, it's entirely possible to manage things for yourself. In...
Patents vs. Copyrights vs. Trademarks vs. Trade Secrets: What Do You Really Need? Continue reading…
Non-use cancellation of your trademark can negatively impact your business

What Is a Trademark Non-Use Cancellation and How Does It Impact Me?

You may think that registering a trademark grants you perpetual rights to that mark. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. If your company had to discontinue manufacturing or sale of products or if you’ve otherwise limited your business’s scope, you’ll need to check the status of all your registered trademarks. A trademark can...
What Is a Trademark Non-Use Cancellation and How Does It Impact Me? Continue reading…
Amazon homepage showcases brands that have successfully met the amazon brand registry requirements

Understanding the Amazon Brand Registry Requirements and Making Sure Your Trademark Passes

Amazon is one of the largest companies in the world. Whether you need a t-shirt cannon or a duvet cover, the chances are high that Amazon can deliver...and fast. Modern consumers have a myriad of products and services at their fingertips. Ensuring your invention is one of them can be a strategic venture. The...
Understanding the Amazon Brand Registry Requirements and Making Sure Your Trademark Passes Continue reading…

A Beginner’s Guide to Suggestive Trademark Application (with Examples!)

A suggestive trademark can be highly advantageous and should be the first choice for most businesses. They offer companies two major benefits: a high level of legal protection and inherent marketing value. At times, suggestive trademark examples can be tricky to recognize. This confusion typically arises due to the similarities between descriptive...
A Beginner’s Guide to Suggestive Trademark Application (with Examples!) Continue reading…

A Beginner’s Guide to Arbitrary Trademark Application (with Examples!)

When it comes to trademark strength, the arbitrary trademark is a powerful option to consider. It is defined by its familiarity yet considered to be inherently distinctive. Despite this paradox, it’s pretty simple in definition. It helps that arbitrary trademark examples are abundant. This guide will walk you through the strengths, weaknesses, and applications...
A Beginner’s Guide to Arbitrary Trademark Application (with Examples!) Continue reading…
(Alt text: Rolex is a fanciful trademark that was specifically designed to fit on the face of a watch.)

A Beginner’s Guide to Fanciful Trademark Application (with Examples!)

A fanciful trademark is one of the commonly accepted types of trademarks. Other categories of trademarks include arbitrary, suggestive, descriptive, and generic. It’s important to note that descriptive and generic trademarks are generally not eligible for trademark registration. Fanciful trademarks are made-up words that have zero relationship between the name and the...
A Beginner’s Guide to Fanciful Trademark Application (with Examples!) Continue reading…

FAQ: How Do US Trademarks Work Internationally?

Unfortunately, basic trademarks don't automatically work internationally. When you receive an approved trademark from the United States Patent and Trademark Office, you're only covered in the US and its territories. To ensure your trademark works internationally, you'll need to do some extra legwork. However, agreements between countries exist that allow US trademarks...
FAQ: How Do US Trademarks Work Internationally? Continue reading…

US Trademark Process: Step by Step Walkthrough for Small Businesses

There are a lot of steps in the trademark process, the most exciting being filling out the application. But to increase your chances of having your trademark application approved, there is legwork that needs to be done before you complete the application.

In this article, we'll break down the process, step by step.

US Trademark Process: Step by Step Walkthrough for Small Businesses Continue reading…
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FAQ: What is Trade Dress?

Trade dress is an area of trademark law that is often overlooked. Many business owners and entrepreneurs are familiar with copyrights and trademarks, but very few realize how valuable a trade dress can be in terms of protecting and defining their brand.

Trade dress capitalizes on the...

FAQ: What is Trade Dress? Continue reading…