I know it; I know you’ve got that idea in your head. Do not skip this out if you want to find out how to protect it. Okay, I’ll start with the bad news. Okay, ideas, even your idea, they’re a dime a dozen, all right? I hear them all the time. What I don’t hear all the time is inventions. So what does it mean to have an idea or an invention? Okay, it does start with that spark, right? That creative, amazing, oh my goodness moment, and that is indeed why we started this company and why we give away a book, “Bold Ideas: The Inventor’s Guide to Patents,” for free for those that schedule a free 20-minute screening session.
A session is going to be our way of finding out, are you the right kind of client? Do you have an invention worthy enough for us to put our time and attention into, and we might be able to say, “Yeah, this guy, this gal, they’ve got something important. They’ve got something bold to move forward with.” So is your invention bold? Are you bold? Schedule that free screening session and get a copy of this book behind me, “Bold Ideas: The Inventor’s Guide to Patents,” for free.