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Hey, let’s talk about how patents expire. I’m JD Houvener, founder of Bold Patents Law Firm. I’ve helped inventors get almost 500 patents, so I know a thing or two about this.
There are two ways patents can expire. First, they just run out after a set time. Design patents last 15 years. Utility patents last 20 years.
To get a patent, you need to prove it’s new and useful. Once the patent office approves it, your rights start. Sometimes, the office might take too long, and they’ll give you extra time.
Once your patent is granted, you need to pay maintenance fees to keep it active. For utility patents, these fees are due at 3.5 years, 7.5 years, and 11.5 years after filing. You can get help making sure you don’t miss these payments.
Design patents don’t need maintenance fees, so no worries there.
Lastly, if you don’t use or enforce your patent, it could expire early. If someone’s using your invention and you don’t act, they can argue your patent is no longer valid.
Protect your patent rights! If you need help, whether you’re starting out or have a granted patent, give us a call.